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Reading Smoke with Dave Dodson

  • 09/21/2019
  • 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
  • Sparta High School - Sparta,MI


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The Western Michigan Association of Fire Chiefs

Reading Smoke with Dave Dodson

Saturday, September 21
9:00AM - 4:30PM

$20 Per Person - Lunch Provided

8 Certified Fire Inspector CEUs Available!

Sparta High School
475 W. Spartan DR
Sparta, MI 49345

Often, smoke issuing from a building is the only clue available to predict fire behavior and the likelihood of a flashover or rapid fire spread. First-arriving officers, incident commanders, and safety officers MUST know how to rapidly read smoke. In this session, Davd Dodson gives an overview of the reading-smoke process and provide some practice using actual fireground video.

Assisting members  in their efforts to promote effective fire prevention and suppression, emergency medical services, and other emergency services through educational, technical, and legislative means.

© Michigan Association of Fire Chiefs. All rights reserved.

5967 Bedford PL
Ann Arbor, MI 48105-9567

(517) 394-4398

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