Winter Workshop
Midwest Fire Rescue Expo® Admission Included
April 16 - 17, 2019
Suburban Collection Showplace
46100 Grand River AVE
Novi, MI 48374
Exhibitors and Vendors Click HERE to Register
Winter Workshop
Tuesday, April 16th, 2019
8:00AM - 5:00PM
$175 Per Person - Association Members
$199 Per Person - Everyone Else
Price Includes Entrance to the Expo
Winter Workshop Agenda
Janine Driver
CEO Body Language Institute
You Say More Than You Think
JANINE DRIVER is the New York Times Best Selling author of YOU SAY MORE THAN YOU THINK (Random House), and most recently YOU CAN'T LIE TO ME (HarperOne), popular keynote speaker, media expert for NBC's TODAY Show, 20/20, CNN, Anderson Cooper, Katie, Dr. Drew on HLN, and the Dr. Oz Show, and she's the founder, president, and lead instructor for the Body Language Institute (BLI). BLI is an elite certification program that offers award-winning advanced communications training that help executives, sales and other professionals build executive presence, explode their selling skills, and create and deliver business presentations that win new business. Janine and her team of the world's most sought after subject matter experts have helped clients become the total leader, which ultimately led them to win millions of dollars in new business contracts.
Tonya Hoover
National Fire Academy Superintendent
Bridging the Gap between Local Fire Departments and the USFA
Tonya Hoover is the Superintendent of the U.S. Fire Administration’s National Fire Academy (NFA). She was named to this position in May 2017. As Superintendent, Ms. Hoover provides leadership for the NFA, which focuses on enhancing the ability of fire and emergency services and allied professionals to deal more effectively with fire and related emergencies.
Ms. Hoover is an accomplished executive with more than 20 years of management experience in both local and state government. She has successfully worked at high levels of government in developing and implementing fire protection, fire prevention, fire training, and community risk reduction programs.

Garry Briese
Colorado State Fire Chiefs
Good Enough is Good Enough is the Path to Excellence
Garry Briese is the Executive Director of the Colorado State Fire Chiefs representing and supporting the senior leadership of the nearly 400 fire departments across Colorado. Garry is a Principal in the professional services and consulting company, Briese Associates LLC, established in 2002.
He serves on the corporate Board of Directors of WS Darley Company, an international manufacturer & distributor for the military and emergency services. He is Senior Advisor to the Firefighter Cancer Support Network; member of the Board of the International Association of Fire Chief’s Foundation, member of the Editorial Advisory Board of FireRescue1/Fire Chief, a leading digital communications company and a member of the Board of the Colorado Emergency Preparedness Partnership, working with the private sector to increase business disaster resiliency. Garry also serves on the State of Colorado’s Homeland Security & All-Hazards Senior Advisory Committee.
Gary Ludwig
Champaign Fire Department
Image Management: How Do They Perceive You?
Fire departments are just like any other business. You have a product you deliver; you must deliver it with quality service, and you must market your product to your customer. With fire departments, many marketing strategies provide add-value services to the community other than the traditional services. These services help to establish the vital need of your department in the community while helping to build an excellent reputation. Join Gary Ludwig as he shows you many of these proven and successful strategies have made many fire departments agencies revered and well-respected in their communities.
Gary Ludwig currently serves as the Fire Chief of the ISO Class 1 Champaign (Illinois) Fire Department and is the 1st Vice President for the International Association of Fire Chiefs. He has 41 years of fire, rescue, and EMS experience.
Bill DeMars
Cooperative Education & FireRescue GPO
Bill DeMars bring over 35 years of public safety and executive level leadership experience from the clinical, administrative, vendor and procurement perspectives. Bill started his career in Central New York in the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) market as a paramedic which progressed into him becoming a Respiratory Therapist. Later in his career he completed a Bachelor’s Degree in International Business focusing on manufacturing & distribution from Cardinal Stritch University. Over the most recent 11 years he successfully managed an international consultancy company, Ashmak, LLC., which supported manufacturers and distributors of medical products in the Public Safety space. As a consultant in the industry, Bill successfully helped many manufacturers get their products accepted as the standard of practice and care throughout the world. While working on the distribution side of the market, Bill was instrumental in starting the EMS division of a national distribution company. He is also an avid helicopter pilot, husband and father of 3 wonderful children. Bill is the Executive Director of NPPGov.

Bryan Frieders
Firefighter Cancer Network
Taking Action Against Cancer in Today's Fire Service
This course is designed to exploit the epidemic of cancer in the fire service and offer solutions that agencies can implement with little or no cost. We will also address leadership issues, command expectations, and principles by which fire departments should be embracing safety.
Bryan Frieders currently serves as the Deputy Chief of Operations for the Pasadena (CA) Fire Department and is the President of the non-profit Firefighter Cancer Support Network (FCSN). Chief Frieders earned a Master’s degree in public administration, a Bachelor’s degree in vocational education, and an Associate’s degree in fire science. He has more than 28 years of fire/EMS experience, including training, EMS, fire prevention, USAR, and emergency management assignments. He is a liaison to the IAFC Safety, Health, and Survival Section, and a member of the National Cancer Alliance.

Join Us For a Private Preview of the Vehicles
Tuesday, April 16th, 2019
5:30PM - 8:30PM
Midwest Fire Rescue Expo®
Wednesday, April 17th, 2019
8:00AM - Keynote Presentation
10:00AM - 3:00PM - Expo Floor Open
Hotel Options
Hyatt Place Detroit/Novi
46080 Grand Rive Avenue
Novi, MI 48374
$129/nt - Use the Group Code G-FIR4 when making reservations, or click on the button below.
Deadline for group rate is March 16, 2019.
Reserve Your Hyatt Room Here
Hilton Garden Inn Novi
27355 Cabaret Drive
Novi, MI 48377
$159/nt - Mention the MI Fire Chiefs when making your reservations or click on the link below.
Deadline for group rate is March 16, 2019.
Reserve Your Hilton Room Here